MO-TRAYL Workshop Research Methods with Young People, led by Simone Castellani
On 6 December 2017, the MO-TRAYL team engaged in a workshop on research methods with young people, led by dr. Simone Castellani.
Simone Castellani is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University Institute of Lisbon, where he carries out a project on the new Portuguese migrations toward Germany.
Simone Castellani holds a PhD in Social Anthropology (University of Seville, Spain) and in Migration and Intercultural Processes (University of Genoa, Italy). He was a guest lecturer at the University of Bielefeld (Germany) and a visiting fellow and at the CONICET (Argentina), University of Santa Caterina (Brazil), University of Freiburg (Germany), Wellesley College (US), FLACSO-Ecuador, and University of Sussex (UK).
His topics of research are related with the international migratory processes. Specifically, he has studied the Latino American migration flows toward Europe, paying particular attention to the so-called second generation, and the new Southern European migration flows toward Germany during the last economic recession.
This year he integrated the UPWEB-NORFACE project team which focuses on the practices of welfare bricolage in contexts marked by high super-diversity. Further, he collaborates with the Global Social Protection project, leaded by the Transnational Studies Initiative at the University of Harvard, which investigate transnational social protection focusing on the access to the health care of Ecuadorian migrants in US, Italy, Spain and Ecuador.