MO-TRAYL participates in 2021 IMISCOE conference
The MO-TRAYL project team participated in various panels, workshops and roundtables at the 2021 IMISCOE conference, 'Crossing borders, connecting cultures', which was held online from July 7-9, 2021. The MO-TRAYL researchers presented in the following sessions:
'Transnational youth mobilities in real time and over the life-course' Chairs: Valentina Mazzucato, Karlijn Haagsman; Presenters: Gladys Akom Ankobrey, Sarah Anschütz, Karlijn Haagsman, Laura Ogden, Onallia Esther Osei; Discussants: Ruth Cheung Judge, Willy Sier
'Visiting Migrants 1' Presenters: Karlijn Haagsman, Valentina Mazzucato
'Visiting Migrants 3' Presenter: Gladys Akom Ankobrey
'Education and Social Inequality 2' Presenter: Laura Ogden
'Qualitative network analysis for migration studies: beyond metaphors and epistemological pitfalls' Workshop participant: Valentina Mazzucato
'An intersectional and global approach to the study of gender and migration' Roundtable panellist: Valentina Mazzucato
'Reflexivities in Migration Studies: Pitfalls and Alternatives' Workshop participant: Valentina Mazzucato
'Covid and Post-Covid digital education. Opportunities and risks for migrant and other disadvantaged students' Discussant: Valentina Mazzucato