Symposium & PhD Course New Perspectives on Transnational Living
On 19 October 2016, a symposium on transnational living was organized that brought together senior researchers, including Research Professor Jørgen Carling and professor Godfried Engbersen. The symposium coincided with a three-day PhD course (19-21 October), during which professor Valentina Mazzucato gave a lecture titled 'Doing multi-sited research'.
More information about the PhD course:
The three-day PhD course started with the attendance of the Senior Researchers Symposium. The second and third day contained lectures by prof. dr. Valentina Mazzucato (Maastricht University) and Marta Bivand Erdal (Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway) on the concepts, theories and methodologies of research on transnationalism. On both days PhD students presented their research in smaller groups under the guidance of a senior researcher and received feedback on their work.
Chaired by Dr. Ozge Bilgili (UNU-MERIT) and Dr. Karlijn Haagsman (FASoS), the event was organised jointly by the IMISCOE standing committee on Interaction of Migrant Integration and Transnationalism (IMITE) and the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE).
Click here for a reflection on the PhD course.